Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
Leon says:
Yes. You. I need thine intellect
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
for what might i askithith
Leon says:
-jumps on head and noms- No questions just give.
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
Leon says:
But fo realz
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
but i has defence!
Leon says:
I have massive revampafications for 259 and I need someone awesome to bounce them back
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
will aid you
Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
right i have bouncing music on =D
Leon says:
Now, This is what I have so far, so please take notes and hold comments till I finish section one, side A.
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
lol k
Leon says:
Now, we shall begin with one of the bases of the whole board, and that being statistics. We shall whipe the slate clean of this, not to say completely get rid of them, cause lets face it, I love stats. No, we shall simply move to a different measuring scale of everyones abilities that I have been working on for a long time now.
It started on a DBZ site I made some time ago and has gradually evolved in my head, in notes, and on my regular field tests as an elaburate way to show the differences between two players. That being Power Level (PL), now the name of this can easily be changed, but for reference we will call it PL. This one number scale holds everything about the character in the way of fighting. Speed, Strength-
Endurance, foresight, cunning. But it doesnt always measure skill, so there is a Role Play element involved. As there always is.
Now, with the basics everyone starts with the generic number, lets say 200. Now, we add in how to increase ones PL.
A fight is most common, yes. For a fight, depending on the relative persons PL (At the maximum if Qi is involved in the fight that raises ones PL) to your own. For lower PL you gain less of a PL bonus. A X1.3 to be exact. For a higher you gain a X1.8. (I want to add onto this idea, so add this to a note point.)
Now, thats not the only way, for the common warrior one needs to train, or maybe one just doesnt believe in hurting others, then they can simply train. Once a week, or every three days this hasnt been descided on, the person can make 1 training post. This post will be judged by size, quality and character development. One can gain anywhere between a X1.2 to X2 their PL, so work hard.
That is Chapter one, side A. Next will be Side B which covers Qi.
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
me speak now?
Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
i see one major fla
that is the percentile gain
which will work
but will constantly need mod attention
otherwise some people will slip an extra number here and there and unless we keep track of gain's
they can easily boost without ever being caught
so there we be a serious diligance
and monitering of stats
that right there is the only problem i have
Leon says:
I was planning on deligating myself to be the PL monitor.
I had the same worry
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
it also rolls onto the level based gain
which i love the idea of
but the same problem applies
i do however have a simple plan =D
Leon says:
Maybe we can work out a system to have people PM the PL monitor(s) to ask permission
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
we do like a weekly scan of people's pl
or monthly
and basically make it manditory to have a sub thread with all records of pl gain's with links
so if someone can't prove that they got there pl fair they lose it
Leon says:
A manditory fight history section? or threads where PL is gained?
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
basically a manditory pl gain thread
where you link all your gains
have your base pl as the first post
Leon says:
like some people do a thread history in their bio, right?
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
then keep moding and adding in all the gain's as well as a link to the thread where it was gained
thats the idea
Leon says:
Great idea
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
and if you fail to have htis
doesn't matter if you did earn it
can't prove it, you lose it
Leon says:
I'll put that in as part of Side A
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
its just a simple fix but meh
the only other thing is to make a clear diliniation between a 1.2 pl fight vs a 2x pl fight
well it could become an abusable hole
Leon says:
Mmm, yeah.
Well let me make some quick comapairisons so maybe something sparks in your head to help me with this one
Lets go back to fight 1 between us. You where so much more powerful you ended me in one attack.
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
that shouldn't count for any pl >.> for eaither party really
if a one hit knockout occures...
there really wasn't a fight
Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
it was more like a cutscene in a game
Leon says:
good compairison
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
Leon says:
But an example needed
So one hit K.O wields no PL gain
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
ever see fate stay night?
Leon says:
No, is it good?
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
but that compairson was gonna be good heeh
oh well
Gohan vs freeza
assume say he actually did take him out with the masenko
that would be prolly worth more than say... goku killing freeza
by far
Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
though goku's fight was longer
they were pretty equil the whole time
Leon says:
Till Goku was like. "Your making me angry. You wont like me when I'm angry"
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
when that happened goku would have earned less pl
i mean really we would need a better example for the board but
for the time being that would work
Leon says:
So lets use number examples, a newb with 200 vs another with 200 would give the basic 1.4. Or wait. a person equil to you or within 200 PL of you is considered normal. So it would be 1.4 to your PL. Someone with 2/3rds your PL (Weaker than you) you gain 1.3. For 1/3rd 1.2, lower than that, nothing. Someone 1/3rd stronger than you 1.5. 2/3rds 1.6 Someone twice your PL you gain 1.7. Someone over-
that would give you the 2X
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
now we run into another fear
simple but aggrivating math
remember not many people are good at doing decimals such as 1.4
even if its just mulitplying by .14
most people wouldn't want to have to deal with it
but i can say it is plausible
in other words we would need a decimal plugin
that would solve the problem
Leon says:
So lay out the math for them and all they would have to do is put it in a calculator, or maybe request the code on proboards support?
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
thats what i'm thinking
just get a plugin
the lazy people will really start to bitch or leave
Leon says:
ill see what comes up when I ask on proboards
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
so what is side B
Leon says:
Okay Side B, Qi.
Qi as we know it, is simply an ability that is unique (Or not) to the character, something that enriches, or enhances their characters in one way shape or form. Mostly stat boosters, insight into other characters, or something completely off the wall and strange that just sounds fucking awesome and doesnt break god modding rules.
Now, with the PL change, simply put Qi would be if the least, effected.
It would have to be adjusted to only boost PL now instead of certain parts of PL, but thats not to say it cant make you hit harder, move faster, or take more damage. One can use Qi as an RP tool, the boost to your PL would only count towards that single fact if you so chose, or just raising your PL in general. Lryd dsy domronr esntd to inhance just their strength, their PL would increase, but-
Increase would onyl count when using your strength in role play
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
Leon says:
Now an additive to this would be, Techniques.
A shockingly new idea that I came up with roughly a month ago.
Its posted on 259
But anyways
Techniques where once dependent on how high ones Int was, and was basically a means of having multiple different types of ways to use your Qi.
Like say Leons electricity.
One way is to shock when punching, another may be to sacrafice the shock to charge his muscles for a quick second to deal more damage.
Or maybe he needs defensive properties, he charges the limb to increase the muscle mass to block more damage.
these would be derived of the Qi itself the absorption and generation of electricity
Now in order to gain techniques, one would have to have a certain amount of PL, that certain number, just like that of the starting number for PL have not been descided on
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
i see
Leon says:
Thats Side B as it stands now
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
so if i were to assume you can't have a qi until you get to a certain pl?
Leon says:
Must of missed that point
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
you didn't say it outright however
Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
Now in order to gain techniques, one would have to have a certain amount of PL, that certain number, just like that of the starting number for PL have not been descided on
had to derive it from that one
Leon says:
must of been more in my head that put on the chat window.
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
either way, as it stands we can still have some off the wall shit then, yes?
Leon says:
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
then it all looks good
and now we can see a bit more uniqueness due to the removeale of stats
Leon says:
The only reason we had them was because of my burnign desire for inter board relations
Now im more on the fuck em attitude
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
well they said no then begged yes
either way
past that i like the look of side B
pretty solid
it just needs a little more explination so people don't have to really look for the information
Leon says:
I'd refer to side B as more of a patch file.
(Arky) ‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ–¼‰ì‹S says:
well really all this would be is a considerable update
Leon says:
"Today we descided to drop the mercinary class, but allow everyone to pick Jedi of their own free will."